Duration of media incorrect
I'm a longtime user of the Eminence skin and started using it on Kodi 17. Really love this skin!
Recently I switch to Kodi 18 (from LibreELEC to CoreELEC v9.2.7) and installed Eminence (v3.0.5) from the Git page through zip file.

Everything is working perfectly but I do have some graphical imperfections.

On my old install the duration of a media file less than an hour would show the correct amount of minutes.

On my new install this has been changed and now gives me incorrect info, minutes are shown as hours and seconds are shown as minutes.

Is there a way I can change this back to the old situation like it was on my Kodi 17 install with Eminence?
I am comfortable using the command line and changing xml files. I just don't know where to start...
Any help is appreciated!  Angel
Any one that can help me out?
Unfortunately I cannot help you, but I did want to chime in and say that this is what brought me to the forum. You are definitely not the only one with this issue. Hopefully someone will see this thread and chime in.

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