Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
SMB connection lost
I haven't found this problem in TRAC, I found something which is similar but the question is different:

Anyway, the problem is that wireless disconnects for a short moment and is reestablish (in less then 1 sec). I think that XBMC then tries on the same SMB handle to get the file and a long list of these errors are produced:
09:21:09 T:4072 M:282169344 ERROR: XFILE::CFileSMB::Read - Error( Invalid handle )
09:21:09 T:4072 M:282169344 ERROR: XFILE::CFileSMB::Read - Error( Invalid handle )

(see also for the complete debug log)

In the end the video is closed without any warning or explanation.

Should i post this one TRAC?

Thanks in advance

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