xbmc lyrics mod lyrics ticker
well.... so far i've modified the parser to not use carrage returns. And i've started to reskin the main window to be transparent.. removed artist/albums tags ect from the main
window skin as well for now gonna re add them back later
at the bottom of the screen. the problem i've ran into is
i need to find a way to us math functions to set the scroll
speed based off how long the song is using getDuration(...) versus how many letters are in the lyrics textfile. i have'nt found a way to do this as of yet. so i figured i'd ask in here and see. this is what i have so far:

[HTML]<a href="http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=qeNROrPjjLU">xbmc lyrics mod</a>[/HTML]
i missed this. your video is gone. did you get it to work?

the problem would be those songs with a long just music intro.
For python coding questions first see http://mirrors.xbmc.org/docs/python-docs/
Nuka1195 Wrote:i missed this. your video is gone. did you get it to work?

the problem would be those songs with a long just music intro.

Nope i never did kinda gave up. It works how it is now but never found out how to change the scroll speed. I went thru the xbmc source ect. I did not have any luck. Heres what i've accomplished so far: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=JAFQD03D Maybee you might have some luck with it, since i think it would be a cool feature for xbmc lyrics to have. Thanks Jc. Oh and also the way i did it relies on having a keymap that opens the xbmc lyrics script from the visualization window incase anyone was wondering .

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