Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Timout when waiting for NFS share to become ready?

I have recently upgraded Kodi 18.9 to 19.1, and noticed that when I try to access my NFS-Shares, I get a network-timout error message because my NFS share (which is actually a Synology NAS with a harddisk that usually goes to sleep after some hours of inactivity) is too slow to spin up the mechanical harddrive, which makes the first access attempt after several hours a little bit slower, actually the first access to the share takes about 5-6 seconds. When I retry 1 or 2 times, of course the error vanishes because my NAS has then woke up the harddrives and is much faster.

In previous Kodi versions, this has never been a problem, because Kodi simply waited fo the share to become available. Now in Kodi 19, I get that error message very quickly after the NFS did not respiond, so I wonder if I can set a timeout in Kodi how long to wait until I get an error message?
Thread moved to OS independent (for lack of OS information).
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Up until v19, NFS access was "wait forever" but this sometimes causes UI deadlocks. Hence this was changed to a 5s wait by default, and a property added to advancedsettings.xml to allow the user to configure it. See On my system 5s is way too short, hence I have restored the previous wait forever with the following entry in advancedsettings.xml

It can also cause the first song to be skipped when playing a album, which is the symptom I first noticed.

The other approach is to set Wake On Lan . The (out of date?) Wiki mentions it in relation to using MySQL, but I think it also applies to media located via LAN

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Timout when waiting for NFS share to become ready?0