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Zalman Remote
I have installed XBMC on a Zalman HD160XT, which comes with a remote, and while the remote works perfectly in every software I have tried, including MC, I cannot make it to work on XBMC, I have been searching the net and these forums and I cannot find a solution.

Has anyone made XBMC work using the Zalman HD160XT remote?

Regards and thanks in advance.
I have the Zalman HD XT 160 Plus, and even though it's not the same remote, i guess it's more or less the same way to solve your problem. Install iMon, and right click the blue circle on your screen. Choose iMon Manager (option 1) and then settings / program command. Here you add XBMC, and customize your remote. Check the keymap.xml located in \XBMC\system (open with notepad) and read what button XBMC listens after for each command. Because windows believes that the remote is a keyboard, check the keyboard actions in keymap.xml, and customize the remote in iMon setting.

Hopes that this will do the trick for you.

_HTPC_: Zalman HD XT 160 Plus incl. 7" LCD / Intel E8400 / Intel X-25 SSD / Gigabyte EG45M-DS2H / 4 GB Corsair DDR 800 mhz / 6TB HDD / ASUS XONAR DS / Microsoft LifeCam Cinema 720p / Logitec DiNovo Mini/ _LAPTOP_: Sony Vaio TZ31 / MTron 1.8" SSD / _TV_: Samsung 52" FullHD LCD / _RECIEVER_AND_SURROUND_: Harman Kardon 245 5.1 / _ROUTER_: DLink DIR-655 / _INTERNET_AND_ISP__ Telia 100/100mbit / _DOG_ Miniature Schnauzer
Thank you i was able to configure my zalman imon remote thanks to you, but all keys like "video, music... bookmark, thumnail,..., dvd, menu...) seems to be uncustomizable
excuse my poor english guys Wink
Nice to hear that. Well, my Video-button works, and i belive we can make it work for you as well.

Ny keymap.xml, in keyboard settings (global)


Then configure, in iMon, "t" to the TV-button (for example), "j" for the videos, "o" for pictures and so on.

Hope this will do the trick.

_HTPC_: Zalman HD XT 160 Plus incl. 7" LCD / Intel E8400 / Intel X-25 SSD / Gigabyte EG45M-DS2H / 4 GB Corsair DDR 800 mhz / 6TB HDD / ASUS XONAR DS / Microsoft LifeCam Cinema 720p / Logitec DiNovo Mini/ _LAPTOP_: Sony Vaio TZ31 / MTron 1.8" SSD / _TV_: Samsung 52" FullHD LCD / _RECIEVER_AND_SURROUND_: Harman Kardon 245 5.1 / _ROUTER_: DLink DIR-655 / _INTERNET_AND_ISP__ Telia 100/100mbit / _DOG_ Miniature Schnauzer

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