(2021-07-24, 16:28)Bungee_G Wrote: And for the WideList view, it is in the View_55_WideList.xml file
You have to change some line : xml:
to xml:
but I don't know which ones...
It was in the View_55_WideList.xml for the file list display that I typically use at the 3rd and 4th locations down; 3rd is for focused (highlighted file), 4th is for the normal list display.
I am browsing files of videos I have on an attached drive to a Raspberry Pi. I view them on a TV set, and the boxes on the bottom are very small so that is why I want to see the duration in the list.
BTW, there are two other locations of the "$VAR[ListLabel2Var]" above the two that were changed (in identically named branches). I call those place #s 1 and 2. Those did not affect the list display that I typically use , and didn't I check for functionality differences. I probably don't want them to change, either.
Other notes (for others' reference): Kodi does not need to be restarted after changes to the file are made and saved; the xml files are located at /usr/share/kodi/addons/skin.estuary/xml
Thank you very much !!