Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Dedicated Menu Spotlight
I'm trying to get spotlight to work in a specific way, and I'm struggling to even understand where to begin making a 'smart playlist' as there doesn't seem to be any such method as far as I've searched into the menu. 

What I want is for each menu items(I.E: Anime and TV Shows) to only show items from their respective sources. 
If I'm looking at the TV Hub menu item, then yes, it's fine for me to see the whole list, but when it comes to things like my TV shows, I don't want to be shown stuff that's from my Anime source. 

Aka: Imagine if I were to make a kid's section, and that I was then trying to exclude everything that isn't good for a kid to be watching, such as horror movies, or shows with more mature themes. 

Furthermore, I also want to be shown only unwatched content, from those sources. 
For example: I've already watched Inuyasha and Bleach. I don't want them to show up in the list because there's no point in re-watching them unless i want to see specific fight scenes. I want to use spotlight as a means for Kodi to give me suggestions at to what I should watch next.
Hello. was there a solution to this issue? thanks!

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