AZ2 - Ratings Gone
Ratings have disappeared. I use RT and IMDB ratings but none of them show no matter which one I select. This happened once before but they came back like a week later. Not this time though. They disappeared out of nowhere and have been gone for over a month. Anyone know how to get them back?
So after doing a lot of digging I realized that patron was using an expired card for the OMDBI API key. It expired in May so that even lines up with when my ratings stopped working. So I updated the card info and re-activated by membership aaaaannndddd.......still not working!!! Even deleted simplecache. I was sure it would work again after fixing the expired card. I guess it was just a coincidence. I'm pretty sure it's skin helper service that's not working because I tried arctic horizon which uses tmdb helper and ratings work fine.

Anyone else out there still using AZ2 with 18.9 and have working ratings?

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