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Req Question about 'profiles'
I have 2 profiles that I use. One is Master that I use for normal viewing. The other is a profile for watching with my headphones (2.0 audio output, pass through etc).

The switching between works well apart from one small thing - once a film is watched in the 'Headphones' profile, it doesn't register as 'watched' when I then go back to the master profile. Is there a setting I'm not using to effectively 'sync' all progress of movies between all profiles?

OSMC Vero 4K, Intel NUC Celeron 847, ODroid N2+, Raspberry Pi3 LibreELEC. Amazon Fire TV
Vizio  Atmos 7.1
You could sync both profiles to the same external MySQL/MariaDB database server. That may sound like an overkill solution, but it's either that or Trakt or some other external solution. Linking both profiles to the same local database file is not possible.
(2021-09-16, 15:26)Klojum Wrote: You could sync both profiles to the same external MySQL/MariaDB database server. That may sound like an overkill solution, but it's either that or Trakt or some other external solution. Linking both profiles to the same local database file is not possible.

Ah ok thought that might be the case. Not a big problem, thanks
OSMC Vero 4K, Intel NUC Celeron 847, ODroid N2+, Raspberry Pi3 LibreELEC. Amazon Fire TV
Vizio  Atmos 7.1
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