tvheadend unable to obtain EPG on raspbian buster
Hi all I'm trying to setup the kodi interface to tvheadend on raspbian 10 buster on a raspberry pi4
I manage to install, setup and view the tv program using the server and his web interface on a browser without any problem
but I can't manage to get running the kodi-pvr-hts addon as a client.
here's my packages:
ii  kodi                                 2:18.7-1~buster                     all          Kodi Media Center (arch-independent data package)
ii  tvheadend                            4.2.8-34~g24a2f59e9+rpt1~buster     armhf        Tvheadend
ii  kodi-pvr-hts                         4.4.20-1~buster                     armhf        TVHeadEnd PVR for Kodi

I also tried to create a user *, allow any network,::/0, open the iptables chains but I continue to get the following messages when I try to enable the addon tvheadend HTSP Client on kodi

2021-10-18 21:15:17.183 T:2589417664  NOTICE: PVR Manager: Stopping
2021-10-18 21:15:17.448 T:2589417664  NOTICE: PVR Manager: Stopped
2021-10-18 21:15:26.248 T:2589417664  NOTICE: PVR Manager: Starting
2021-10-18 21:15:26.799 T:2617061568  NOTICE: PVR Manager: Started
2021-10-18 21:15:26.799 T:2769162432  NOTICE: EPG thread started
2021-10-18 21:15:28.167 T:2431545536   ERROR: Deliver: Unable to obtain EPG for client 2146250725 and channel 448993949! Unable to deliver state change for tag '1207'!
2021-10-18 21:15:28.167 T:2431545536   ERROR: Deliver: Unable to obtain EPG for client 2146250725 and channel 448993949! Unable to deliver state change for tag '1209'!
2021-10-18 21:15:28.169 T:2431545536   ERROR: Deliver: Unable to obtain EPG for client 2146250725 and channel 480919594! Unable to deliver state change for tag '421'!
2021-10-18 21:15:28.170 T:2431545536   ERROR: Deliver: Unable to obtain EPG for client 2146250725 and channel 480919594! Unable to deliver state change for tag '481'!
12021-10-18 21:15:28.170 T:2431545536   ERROR: Deliver: Unable to obtain EPG for client 2146250725 and channel 480919594! Unable to deliver state change for tag '483'!

here's the setting of the pvr:

cat userdata/addon_data/pvr.hts/settings.xml
<settings version="2">
    <setting id="autorec_approxtime" default="true">0</setting>
    <setting id="autorec_maxdiff">15</setting>
    <setting id="connect_timeout">30</setting>
    <setting id="dvr_dubdetect" default="true">0</setting>
    <setting id="dvr_ignore_duplicates">true</setting>
    <setting id="dvr_lifetime">8</setting>
    <setting id="dvr_playstatus">true</setting>
    <setting id="dvr_priority">2</setting>
    <setting id="epg_async">true</setting>
    <setting id="host" default="true"></setting>
    <setting id="htsp_port">9982</setting>
    <setting id="http_port">9981</setting>
    <setting id="pass" default="true"></setting>
    <setting id="pretuner_closedelay">10</setting>
    <setting id="pretuner_enabled" default="true">false</setting>
    <setting id="response_timeout">31</setting>
    <setting id="stream_readchunksize">64</setting>
    <setting id="streaming_profile" default="true"></setting>
    <setting id="total_tuners">2</setting>
    <setting id="trace_debug" default="true">false</setting>
    <setting id="user" default="true"></setting>

as said I also tried to use an effective user without success..
here's the daemon running:
tvheadend  557        hts    6u  IPv4  13255      0t0  TCP *:9981 (LISTEN)
tvheadend  557        hts    7u  IPv4  13259      0t0  TCP *:9982 (LISTEN)
tvheadend  557        hts   40u  IPv4  19622      0t0  TCP 192.168.*:9981->192.168.*:60306 (ESTABLISHED)
tvheadend  557        hts   42u  IPv4  23161      0t0  TCP localhost:9982->localhost:36126 (ESTABLISHED)
tvheadend  557        hts   45u  IPv4  27795      0t0  TCP 192.168.*:9981->192.168.*:60528 (ESTABLISHED)
kodi.bin_ 1124 fusillator   39u  IPv4  23919      0t0  TCP localhost:36126->localhost:9982 (ESTABLISHED)

I'm actually watching a movie using the browser and vlc on my pc.

Should I install other packages?
Is there any compatibility problem between the installed release...
I'm quite new to kodi.
Any help would be really appreciated
solved.. not sure how or if it was really a issue:

2021-10-18 21:42:43.274 T:2431545536   ERROR: Deliver: Unable to obtain EPG for client 2146250725 and channel 2136901187! Unable to deliver state change for tag '4581'!
2021-10-18 22:00:00.473 T:2431545536   ERROR: Deliver: Unable to obtain EPG for client 2146250725 and channel 1904074579! Unable to deliver state change for tag '1399'!
2021-10-18 22:19:00.091 T:2973228160  NOTICE: VideoPlayer::OpenFile: pvr://channels/tv/All channels/pvr.hts_734409815.pvr
2021-10-18 22:19:00.092 T:2769162432  NOTICE: Creating InputStream
2021-10-18 22:19:00.095 T:2769162432  NOTICE: Creating Demuxer
2021-10-18 22:19:01.453 T:2769162432  NOTICE: Opening stream: 1001 source: 256
2021-10-18 22:19:01.453 T:2769162432 WARNING: OpenStream - Unsupported stream 1001. Stream disabled.
2021-10-18 22:19:01.453 T:2769162432  NOTICE: Opening stream: 1002 source: 256
2021-10-18 22:19:01.454 T:2769162432  NOTICE: Finding audio codec for: 86016
2021-10-18 22:19:01.462 T:2769162432  NOTICE: CDVDAudioCodecFFmpeg::Open() Successful opened audio decoder mp2
2021-10-18 22:19:01.463 T:2769162432  NOTICE: Creating audio thread
2021-10-18 22:19:01.463 T:2391789760  NOTICE: running thread: CVideoPlayerAudio:Tonguerocess()
2021-10-18 22:19:01.465 T:2769162432  NOTICE: Opening stream: 1001 source: 256
2021-10-18 22:19:01.465 T:2769162432  NOTICE: Creating video codec with codec id: 2
2021-10-18 22:19:01.466 T:2769162432 WARNING: CMMALVideo::Open Codec mmal-mpeg2 is not supported
2021-10-18 22:19:01.466 T:2769162432  NOTICE: CDVDVideoCodecFFmpeg::Open() Using codec: mpeg2video
2021-10-18 22:19:01.469 T:2769162432  NOTICE: Creating video thread
2021-10-18 22:19:01.470 T:2589417664  NOTICE: running thread: video_thread
2021-10-18 22:19:01.470 T:2769162432  NOTICE: Opening stream: 1002 source: 256
2021-10-18 22:19:01.470 T:2769162432  NOTICE: Finding audio codec for: 86016
2021-10-18 22:19:01.470 T:2769162432  NOTICE: CDVDAudioCodecFFmpeg::Open() Successful opened audio decoder mp2
2021-10-18 22:19:01.471 T:2589417664  NOTICE: CDecoder::Open - fmt:0
2021-10-18 22:19:01.597 T:2391789760  NOTICE: Creating audio stream (codec id: 86016, channels: 2, sample rate: 48000, no pass-through)
2021-10-18 22:19:02.480 T:2589417664 WARNING: CRenderManager::WaitForBuffer - timeout waiting for buffer
2021-10-18 22:19:03.521 T:2589417664 WARNING: Previous line repeats 1 times.
2021-10-18 22:19:03.521 T:2589417664  NOTICE: CDVDVideoCodecFFmpeg::CDropControl: calculated diff time: 40000

now i can enjoy the movie on my tv using kodi powered by rpi4
sorry for the bother

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tvheadend unable to obtain EPG on raspbian buster0