Linux Livestreams.xml errors
Getting the following error when I start Kodi:
ERROR <general>: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 404 for
... then the next line is an empty string.
You enabled the expert setting to get Live Streams but you don't have it set up so you can either ignore it or turn it back off.  This is a facility to stream directly from a source including Kodi plugins that bypasses the NextPVR backend completely but it is only lightly documented.  I used it daily for internet radio.

(2021-11-01, 11:59)emveepee Wrote: You enabled the expert setting to get Live Streams but you don't have it set up so you can either ignore it or turn it back off.  This is a facility to stream directly from a source including Kodi plugins that bypasses the NextPVR backend completely but it is only lightly documented.  I used it daily for internet radio.


Thanks Martin, but which 'Live Streams' setting are you referring to? In the Kodi PVR addon Settings -->Configure, or in the NPVR Settings 'General' page, or something else?
Since you changed the default I thought you'd know,  It is the the Kodi Addons NextPVR Settings->Connection->Enable direct streams->Off   Sorry I thought I had help text on the bottom but I guess I forgot.  I don't know the other setting you are talking about.

(2021-11-03, 15:30)emveepee Wrote: Since you changed the default I thought you'd know,  It is the the Kodi Addons NextPVR Settings->Connection->Enable direct streams->Off   Sorry I thought I had help text on the bottom but I guess I forgot.  I don't know the other setting you are talking about.


OK, got it, thanks Martin, that works  Smile .

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