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How to hide the icon for the external hard drive?

My videos are stored on an external hard drive that is connected physically to the media server.

I mainly use the menu "Videos" on the left menu of the home page, and from there I go and select what I want to watch from the data sources I set for this section (e.g "TV Shows" and "Movies").

Problem is that it also adds an icon for the external drive itself. How can I avoid having this external hard drive icon that "grants access" to the root of my external hard drive?

I have two concerns for this:
- I don't want my users to see it
- Option to allow deletion through Kodi is enabled, meaning that someone could also delete other files than videos from this hard drive.

I spent a lot of time searching for a solution, but if there's a public one I guess I never used the proper keywords...

Thanks in advance
(2021-11-05, 01:48)druidasse Wrote: I don't want my users to see it
Hmm... This sounds a bit creepy. "My users"? Is this in some public area?

(2021-11-05, 01:48)druidasse Wrote: Option to allow deletion through Kodi is enabled, meaning that someone could also delete other files than videos from this hard drive.
Why is the option enabled or the drive even attached so others have apparent access to your USB drive files?
If the videos on the drive are so sensitive, unplug and remove it when you yourself are not using Kodi.

(2021-11-05, 01:48)druidasse Wrote: connected physically to the media server.
What OSes are the server and the Kodi client running?

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How to hide the icon for the external hard drive?0