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About daily use and shuffled playlists. I have to ask already...
Hi! I have been using Kodi everyday for about... 20 years now, and there is something that I would like to know whether this is possible and how to achieve it.

For the past few years, I use an auto-started shuffled playlist of TV shows, that I start in the morning, kind of like my own in house syndication.

The problem is: some episodes absolutely never get played. This is not a "problem" per se... its just that the random shuffle NEVER puts certain episodes near the top of the playlist where they would get played.

Now I know you can answer that its just "luck" and I can't disagree, but this is totally noticeable. Example I just had an episode play for the third time in 3 days from one of the 5 shows I shuffle, at the same time I can name another 5 that have never played one time in the past year of doing this.

Is it possible to fix this? Kodi reshuffles the playlist natively each time it loads its, so I assume the answer is no.
(2021-11-11, 18:44)JetJaguar Wrote: Is it possible to fix this? Kodi reshuffles the playlist natively each time it loads its, so I assume the answer is no.
I am not really sure if you can. I don't use playlists as you described above.
But... I have noticed the same thing with the Picture Slideshow Screensaver. I guesstimate that I have 4000 pieces of fanart, but the slideshow only ever seems to show the same 50 or so images over and over again the majority of the time. There is a comment about randomising here...
I guess this and your problem are part of the same issue with computers in general.
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I once looked at this for party mode.  Not a C++ programmer by any means, but from what I could tell a fairly straight forward C RNG is used to select items.

scott s.
Sorry to necro this, but its driving me crazy.

Since I posted originally, I have continued to use it the same.

FOUR times since I last posted, its repeated the same episode of the same show either in a row, or at least in the first 5 episodes of the day. Always at the beginning of the list. Ive never noticed this behavior as the list gets deeper.

272 episodes over 5 shows.

Cant you like, at the very least, modify the random function so it doesn't repeat anything until everything in the current session's list has played?
I dont think Kodi is actually "shuffling" if its repeating. Ipod shuffle didnt repeat until it played everything as long as you didnt reshuffle.
I noticed in a smart playlist if the left slide out for all videos is toggled for unwatched, the number available changes. The rules Smart playlists/Rules and groupings (wiki) includes the parameter under 3.4 TV Shows 'Playcount', might be something to explore.
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(2022-02-07, 00:42)PatK Wrote: I noticed in a smart playlist if the left slide out for all videos is toggled for unwatched, the number available changes. The rules Smart playlists/Rules and groupings (wiki) includes the parameter under 3.4 TV Shows 'Playcount', might be something to explore.

If it means anything, Im just using a standard m3u playlist. Its not a smart playlist afaik.

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About daily use and shuffled playlists. I have to ask already...0