Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Solved Set content over UPNP??
My bad, after i restart it said "processing movies" and now everything works! Big Grin
Thread marked solved.
And just because it got marked as solved i noticed a problem. I should stop writing before testing it ALL..

So when i launch a tv show or a movie from the start screen, i can play it fine. But when i enter more menus, for example tv shows > some tv show.

It says "this file is no longer available".
But if i find the same show on the start screen, i can play it just fine. Any ideas? @LongMan
Sorry for the late reply. Was on the road. I see you figured out most of it.

With regards to the widgets vs menus, there is a known difference in how Kodi handles playing from widgets vs menus. However, haven't heard a complaint about it in a while.

Since your original problem has been addressed, let's take it to the MediaImport section. Can you please post a debug log there

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