Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Aura Mod widgets
How i can make Aura Mod look like in the picture?


I tried widget style landscape panel but get widgets in two rows not like in the picture.
I found out that older versions of skin have that option (like picture). "Choose Netflix Widget Sityle - Small Widgets"


The last version of skin with that option is skin.auramod-0.9.3. If any of developers can implement this in the last version of skin, will be nice. I tried but didn't make it.
That photo is realistically a little outdated and will probably be removed at some point(so will most of the functionality of the netflix homestyle I expect).

I'm pretty sure if you go into Settings > Home Style and select Netflix Homestyle it should work.
You might have to have the corresponding widget style set in Menus & Widgets for it look correct, or custom if you want that.
Choosing Mixed Netflix Homestyle allows you to do this.

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