Problems with games.
Okay, this will take a little background. I just got onto 19 so I was setting up some emulators. Everything was going well. Played a little SNES. Decided to try some NES.
Started out okay, but the sound was not playing so i went into the settings and checked that out. When i went back to the game the aspect ratio was off. I quit and went back into the game and it was still stretched, but then i saw the aspect ratio settings there on the back menu. So i picked that and it looked good again. I'm using old wireless controllers, so by this time the controller timed out and i hit the button to reconnect it; as it connected, there were a bunch of phantom keypresses (volume, and it changed the resolution). I could only see the top left corner and none of the menu to quit the emulator so i restarted Kodi. When i tried the emulator again i just get a black screen. I can't get back to the regular Kodi menus. It's not locked up, just black. I need to restart Kodi to get video back.
I reset the add-on settings to defaults. Still a blank screen. I tried other emulators that had been working fine: same thing. Tried different emulators that were never even installed when this happened: same thing.
No games working at all now. Any ideas?
I'd like to see a debug log so that I can start figuring out what's going wrong. Is it possible for you to reproduce and attach a debug log?
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