How to record from a PVR client (IPTV Simple Client)?
Being a Kodi newbie, I have no idea how to record a show. I understand that IPTV Simple Client by itself does not support recording. Is there an add-on for this? This is what is left for my "dream" setup.

Beside that, I'm not aware of anything else and I'm not sure if it will work for your OS you are using (as you haven't mentioned it Wink )
Thanks, I'm using LibreELEC, so installing ffmpeg will be a bit of a nuisance...
Doesn't LibreELEC provide a ffmpeg add-on?
There are backends that run on LibreElec (eg. TVHeadend and NextPVR) support IPTV based recording.   PVR works best with reasonable number of channels that you might actually watch.

Thread moved to the IPTV Simple section
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(2021-12-28, 17:13)DaVu Wrote: Doesn't LibreELEC provide a ffmpeg add-on?
Indeed they do. So ffmpeg is installed, haven't had time for more. Will do today.
(2021-12-28, 20:13)DarrenHill Wrote: Thread moved to the IPTV Simple section

Why move to iptvsimple section. This addon cannot record.
Maintainer of Enigma2 PVR addon: repo, docschangelog
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Learning Linux the hard way !!
Its 3 years later.  Is there a way to record a live tv show using IPTV Simple?  The supplied links above does not work.  Is there a different IPTV Client to try?  Everything with Kodi has been great except for recording tv (As in Sports)

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How to record from a PVR client (IPTV Simple Client)?0