Solved Failure to Execute Method on System.Suspend?

I'm trying to remotely suspend or hibernate my system using the JSON-RPC API.

When sending actions: System.Hibernate or System.Suspend, I get an error returned: Failed to execute method.

I initially thought that the executing user don't have power access, but then I tried System.Reboot and System.Shutdown. Both of which worked just fine.

I also added "<jsonrpc> <compactoutput>false</compactoutput> </jsonrpc>" to my advancedsettings.xml file, hoping that I would see more debug output. But neither the response or log (linked below) show any more helpful information.

Is there something specific I need to enable to make System.Suspend and System.Hibernate work properly?

Any advice or suggestions would be appreciated.

Relevant Log Corresponding to System.Reboot request:

JSON returned from request:
Do you really think that one-liner from the log is helpful to us? Wink

Don't you think it might be good to know which kind of "system" you are using? You should tell us more about your system or simply provide the full Debug Log

Could you also please check the following: 
  • Switch to Estuary skin
  • On the top left you have the button for the power menu
    • does that menu show options for suspend and/or hibernate?
Those options are only visible if "System.CanHibernate" or "System.CanSuspend". If not, then your system is not able to be hibernated or suspended.
Hi there!

Sorry about the lack of information in the log, I parsed the log file from /storage/.kodi/temp/kodi.log but that was the only line that was relevant to the request. Everything thing else just related to playback and other assorted outputs. I'll be sure to post the full log next time.

Regardless though, you are spot on with the lack of "hibernate" or "sleep" buttons. I'm assuming the distribution over Kodi (LibreELEC) doesn't allow that functionality. That is fine, I can live without that functionally.

Thank you for your assistance! I will mark the post as solved.
Thread marked solved.
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Very true

If we are talking about LibreELEC, Hibernate support seems to be removed

And the reasoning still stands. Rebooting is faster than wake up from hibernate

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Failure to Execute Method on System.Suspend?0