get Movie from kodi videolibrary searching by its imdb/tmdb id
I'm trying to get a movie from kodi videolibrary searching by its imdb id.

Using JSONRpc with filter, kodi returns 0 results.
Query is:

{ "filter": { "field": "imdbnumber", "operator": "is", "value": "tt4761112" }, "properties" : ['originaltitle', 'title', 'year' }

kodi returns 0 results, but movie is in my videolibrary.
Reading json-rpc documentation, 'imdbnumber' seems to be not allowed in "filter", so it seems to be not possible to query VideoLibrary via imdbnumber
Is there a way to get a movie by its imdb (or tmdb) id?

thanks in advance
I would also like to be able to lookup movies using imdbnumber via JSONrpc.

This gives me a list of movies and their UniqueID's. You should be able to modify it to search specific movies...{"jsonrpc": "2.0","method":"VideoLibrary.GetMovies","params":{"properties": ["title", "year", "lastplayed", "playcount", "uniqueid"],"sort": {"order": "ascending", "method": "title"}},"id":1}
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I've been working on a way to match pvr guide entries to local library:

And while it is working well (using title based searches), I wanted to add an additional way to search for matches (IE using skinhelper PVR lookup imdbnumber to search with) to catch some odd title differences that currently don't match.

I use JSON searches to try and match to local library, and while I could try scanning all movies and compare each uniqueid to the imdbnumber, I was trying to be efficient since there is a lookup run for every item that is navigated to in the guide, and pulling in 5,000 movies every time a newly focused entry came up seemed inefficient (I do use a cache once it has been searched for).

I may just setup my own DB in the addon, and perform one scan of all movies (and refresh as library updates) to then have available to run efficient sql based queries against rather than JSON calls.

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get Movie from kodi videolibrary searching by its imdb/tmdb id0