2022-01-17, 07:27
What does updatecheckinterval do in advancedsettings.xml? I've read through the following definition, but it's not clear to me what it actually does.
Quote:Check every X seconds, if EPG data need to be updated. This does not mean that every X seconds an EPG update is actually triggered, it's just the interval how often to check whether an update should be triggered.What does it mean *if* the EPG data needs to be updated? How does it determine *whether* an update should be triggered, and then *if* it does need to be updated, at what interval will it actually carry out that update? I'm aware of the GUI setting epg.epgupdate, but I don't understand what updatecheckinterval actually does relative to epg.epgupdate -- say, updatecheckinterval is set at a more frequent interval than epg.epgupdate, what does it actually do?