What about Kodi on Steam?
Hello everyone! 
I remember years back Nathan Betzen had put together a Steam Greenlight concept that looked to put XBMC on Steam. 

Now, years later I'm curious why this never happened? Steam does have RetroArch which is great but I would think that Kodi could arguably make an even better fit on the platform. 
I can only think of benefits if it were to happen but IDK. Thoughts?
(maybe should have been posted in feature requests)
Last I heard we were denied because of codecs.
I wonder if time has changed anything with Valve since the whole greenlight process is no longer a thing, maybe whatever their submission process is it may be more relaxed at this point. 
Of course its their store/distribution platform and they can do as they see fit but it does seem odd that THAT would be the issue but its not an issue with others (gplay, windows store). Confused

Thanks for the insight Hitcher
Ironically I read that today Steam Client's "Steam Remote Play" feature depends on FFmpeg video decoder libraries with optional hardware acceleration for Intel and Nvidia enabled?




Regardless, my guess is that also many existing games not based on Unity or Unreal game engines still come with their own compiled ffmpeg libs?
I know this thread's a bit old, but I'd like to know if there are any updates on the situation.

Valve has recently eased down on software-app restrictions for Steam (especially in the Open Source sphere), and I want to know if it's possible now.

I mean, it would be great. There's already a page on SteamGridDB just lying ready (official or not):

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What about Kodi on Steam?0