Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
SQL Database, all useres share the same "viewed" data
Hey there,

I'm trying to setup a SQL server for the video Database. I basically followed this guide:

For the first user it works just fine, but then I added a second user to the SQL databse.

If I connect from a second device with the new user, Kodi shows all the movies and episodes as watched, which were watched by the first user.

I thought one could have multiple users that have independent "watched" entries.

Was I wrong considering this, or did I do something wrong?
Kind reagrds,
(2022-02-16, 16:25)huibu Wrote: If I connect from a second device with the new user, Kodi shows all the movies and episodes as watched, which were watched by the first user.

Well, isn't that the purpose of a shared database? If a video is watched on one Kodi client, it is also shown as watched on the other client(s) ?
Basically yes. But we have different users with different devices.
So my thought was, that user A has his watched state on all his devices, and user B has his watched state on all his devices.
Assuming you're using v19 Matrix, this might be relevant to your interests.

If you're using v18 Leia (or a previous release), there's other info in that same thread.
that looks very promising! Thank you very much!

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SQL Database, all useres share the same "viewed" data0