Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Enhanced library stats?

I have two questions:
is there some kind of feature in Kodi to show enhanced stats about the local movie library (i.e. percentage of movies with a resolution of x*x or the number of videos encoded with x)?

If not would it be possible to achieve this via an add-on (best with some nice diagrams😁)?

Anything is possible, as long as the videos are properly scraped. Displaying diagrams however is not part of Kodi's core functionality.
Exporting data into files that can be read by other applications (e.g. Excel, Powerpoint) is perhaps a better option.
Thank you and sorry for the late reply. 😬

I would prefer a Kodi integrated function but yes I have to admit, it makes more sense to export data and do the math external.

I'll try to export and convert/import my DB into Calc.

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