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File browser based skin/usage

I've used DLNA with serviio for years, but my newest TV does't support DTS decoding (the license must cost a fortune if they couldn't include it in a 2000$ flagship oled...), so I went for a shield pro, slapped kodi on it, and trying to explore.

I've managed to set up my libraries properly so every movie/tv series is scraped, everything looks neat and pretty, but... that's not what I need, and that's definitely not something I want to do in the future.

It's not just that I'm lazy, I feel like it's completely unnecessary for me.  I guess this kind of library building is good if you're a hoarder, but all I do is download a movie/series, watch it once and delete it.

All I want is a media player that plays HDR 4K files from an smb properly, which kodi seems to be good at.

I understand that I can reach all files throught videos -> files, but I was wondering if there is a theme based on this kind of usage? Maybe it could show folders as main menu items or something.

I mean it's already working like this, but I'd prefer something even more simple.
(2022-04-07, 15:30)alamizsna Wrote: Maybe it could show folders as main menu items or something.
You could easily create a Custom home items (wiki) that points to your folder. The default Estuary skin does not support this, but most other skins will.
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dose your tv support any media server kodi has settings in services upnp and air play on my  Samsung tv i can get kodi as a media server 
but  you would need a skin with skinshortcuts and set to folder
you could add the folder to  favourites or to nodes

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File browser based skin/usage0