Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Kodi detecting a source/share twice because of case in the path?
Recently Kodi on my Shield started finding a network share twice, but my sources.xml looks correct and only has the expected share name.

When looking at Movies I am seeing entries twice.  What I noticed is that Kodi is seeing two copies of a network share, due to upper/lower case differences.  My sources.xml file only lists one version of the SMB share.

Example, if I look at the movie information for one file and look at the path I see:
smb://ip_address:port/Media/Movies   (this is in sources.xml)

File 2:
smb://ip_address:port/media/Movies  (Incorrect lower case "media", not in sources.xml)

Any thoughts on where the lower case share name is being picked up and how I can remove it? 

Everything in my system is up to date, latest Shield update and I get this on Kodi 19.3 and 19.4.

Thanks for any help or suggestions.

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Kodi detecting a source/share twice because of case in the path?0