Solved Nexus compatible version?
I wanted to try out Nexus (installed kodi-20220419-22e6d984-master-22446-arm64-v8a on Shield Pro 2019) however the dvbviewer addon won't load and is reporting:

ERROR <general>: Add-on 'DVBViewer Client' is using an incompatible API version for type 'Addon'. Kodi API min version = '2.0.0/2.0.0', add-on API version '1.2.0/1.3.0'

I uninstalled and grabbed Nexus version from here but that still reports the same error. Uninstalling and reinstalling from the official repo also the same.

edit: doubly confused now I spotted this in changelog.txt within the addon:
Kodi main API update to version 2.0.0
How come Nexus thinks the addon is running API 1.2.0/1.3.0?
Probably a build system related error. Kodi API versions are set during build time.
Thanks manül, anyone I can '@' to look at that?  I've tried firing up my VM for messing with git stuff but it uses Windows/MSYS2 and I can't figure out cmake in that at all.  Alternatively can anyone do me a solid and compile a Nexus compatible zip so I can install the DVBViewer addon?
Are you sure you tried to install the correct zip? Look inside the zip file -> addon.xml -> Search for "". Should be set to "2.0.0". I checked the jenkins builds. They are correct.
Hi manül, thanks for getting back to me.  I was definitely using the correct zip, I even got the same issue from the official repo (after completely uninstalling the addon).  I did get it working in the end by creating an Ubuntu VM and compiling it myself but I later realised Nexus involves a MySQL database bump so I had to roll back to Matrix (too many other Kodi devices in the house on a shared database).

Maybe the Shield was doing something weird with cached versions of the zip or something, I don't know, I still can't explain why I was getting the same error when installing straight from the official repo though.  I've just installed a portable Nexus on my Windows machine and that installs the DVBViewer addon from the official repo just fine so I'll put this down to Shield/Android shenanigans.
Let me create a new release in case the binary is corrupt in some way. @beeswax can you try a testbuild if I create one?
Maintainer of Enigma2 PVR addon: repo, docschangelog
How to create a full debug: here
Sorry phunkyfish, I already rolled back to Matrix and it's a bit of a ballache to upgrade and downgrade again.  As far as I know, it's not possible to do a portable install on Android otherwise I'd oblige.
Just updated to Nexus Nightly, DVBViewer Addon 20.3.0 and DVBViewer Media Server 3.x. Works beautifully.
I'm running Nexus 20.0-ALPHA(19.90.705) from July 9, 2022 on my Sony android TV and can't install DVBViewer from default system repo, says:
"Can't satisfy depenency kodi.binary.instance.inputstream version 3.0.2"
I'm also running IPTV Simple Client with InputStream Adaptive dependency version 20.2.3 enabled.

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Nexus compatible version?0