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Naming directories for two movies with the same name+year
This is probably covered somewhere already, but I haven't found it, and can't find something suitable to search for - so I apologise for what I guess is covered.

(I have Kodi running on Debian 11, but this doesn't involve that, so I'm putting this in the OS Independent forum.)

How should I name the directories containing two files with the same name from the same year?
The specific problem comes from these two movies (warning: adult):
(released about one week apart in August 2012)

I'll put nfo-files in the directories pointing to those entries, so should I put the studios in the folder names?

(2022-05-02, 10:39)grove Wrote: so should I put the studios in the folder names?
That is as good as anything else. Just add it after the year... Here Cums the Bride (2012) Filly Studios

Not that it makes a difference in your case as you are using nfo files and it is an adult title which requires a Parsing nfo file to scrape, but there might be others looking for the same answer for other movies not using nfo files.
Any text after the (year) is ignored by the scraper so it does not confuse the movie title search.
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Thank you. It's nice to know that any text after the (year) is ignored, but won't you have to use nfo files in this case to allow the scraper to find the right movie in both cases?
(2022-05-02, 11:51)grove Wrote: but won't you have to use nfo files in this case to allow the scraper to find the right movie in both cases?
That is probably the easiest way.

If you use the global Update Library, then Kodi has no idea which is which movie, so it will just pick the first one off the search results.
If you use the "i" method, you can select from a list of search results. But that probably won't be much help either, as you won't know from the list which movie is which.

Yea, stick with the parsing nfo file.

Another example...
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Naming directories for two movies with the same name+year0