Rotten Tomatoes Rating in Shelf View?
Is it possible in Aeon Tajo to show Rotten Tomatoes Ratings in Shelf View? If so, what do I have to set ? (specific Scraper, addon, .nfo tags?) At the moment it shows 2 ratings, Trakt and TheTVDB. Thank you for your help.
If you look at the bottom of the screen when activating the online ratings options in settings, it reads:

"You may have to restart Kodi. TMDb and Trakt should work out of the box. Metacritic and Rottentomatoes ratings require an OMDb API key. Get an OMDb API Key at then input the OMDb API Key into the TheMovieDb Helper settings."
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Thank you, that works!

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Rotten Tomatoes Rating in Shelf View?0