Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
FTP server issues
When I use SMB with Kodi in an Android box and Windows PC as the server, I get an "operation not permitted" error once in a while when Kodi scans the video sources or plays a video. If I wait a while, reload the sources, or reboot the box and/or PC, the problem disappears.

I switched to using an FTP server (Xlight free) in the PC, but recently I would sometimes get a "playback failed" error if I try to watch a video while Kodi is updating the library. If I wait a while or stop the update, the problem disappears. OTOH, when it does work and I stop the video to take a break, I notice that the library update was stopped and not completed.

I'm thinking of using another FTP server--Filezilla--but I can't seem to make it work: the server's running but Kodi can't see it.

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