2022-05-24, 16:44
2022-05-24, 23:35
scott s.
json:{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method": "VideoLibrary.RefreshTVShow", "params": { "tvshowid": 183 }, "id": 1}
scott s.
2022-05-26, 03:26
That command executed but, the TV show did not update.
I turned on debugging and captured some SQL statements.
I see
But if I try to update a show using
the show doesn't get update.
Kodi does respond back with
I turned on debugging and captured some SQL statements.
I see
insert into episode (idEpisode, idFile, idShow) values (NULL, 12851, 183)
But if I try to update a show using
VideoLibrary.RefreshTVShow", "params": { "tvshowid": 183 }, "id": 1}'
the show doesn't get update.
Kodi does respond back with
2022-05-26, 19:06
{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method": "VideoLibrary.RefreshTVShow", "params": { "tvshowid": 229, "refreshepisodes": true }, "id": 1}
Seems to be working, but for some reason the idShow value changes in MySQL.
2022-05-27, 00:59
Well, if you are doing it in a script I would think either you get the LibraryId from an info label in the UI or do a VideoLibrary.GetTVShows and find it in there.
scott s.
scott s.