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Solved Why is Kodi searching for directories that don't exist?
(2022-09-04, 18:19)Hitcher Wrote: Then I don't think it is because it works fine on a DVD folder for me.

 Yeah, I have many other DVD folders that work fine.

I'm going to just guess that there's some problem with the menu structure, use either MakeMKV or Handbrake, and ditch the VIDEO_TS folder.

Anyway, thanks for helping to clarify the problem.

EDIT: I tried MakeMKV, which reports the following:
Quote:Calculated BUP offset for VTS #1 does not match one in IFO header.
Titleset start sector mismatch for titleset 1 : 11713 != 11729
Titleset start sector mismatch for titleset 2 : 2177145 != 2177177
I can only speculate this may be why Kodi bailed on parsing the VIDEO_TS folder.

After I ripped to mkv, placed that file in the folder, deleted VIDEO_TS, and updated, Kodi still didn't recognize or scrape it. 

Finally, I deleted the whole folder, made a new one, re-copied the file, updated, and Kodi is happy. Whew Smile

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Why is Kodi searching for directories that don't exist?0