Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
proxy bypass
Hi, I found some threads discussing unintentional addon proxy bypass, but no intentional. Here is the thing.
I use Proxy setting in KODI (Settings > Internet Access > Proxy), but that doesn't suite me completely.
E.g. the Youtube addon. I want it to bypass the Proxy configured.
So now the question is, how to achieve it.
Is it possible to set up addon to bypass Proxy?
Is it possible to set up KODI to not use Proxy for certain DNS entries?
Thread moved to OS independent support
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Kodi Blog Posts
ok, nobody's interested. so I'll start with my thoughts. I think, correct me if I'm wrong, the Kodi just leverage the proxy functionality of Linux subsystem.

in that case it should work if add some proxy settings in the /etc/environments, right? however, every time I update it, it won't stay there. I use Libreelec, should I ask at their forum? at least I need information how is the proxy used in Kodi. If I should focus this way.


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