Tata Play (Tata Sky India) kodi addon request
Big Grin 
Hi team, I am looking for a kodi addon for tata play (india's sky service). Link's below:


Would appreciate if someone can build it.

Kind Regards

That website seems to be geo-blocked when I try to check it, so it may be difficult for someone to create an addon if they can't access the site.
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Hi Karellen,

Yes it is geo restricted. I use dns service or express vpn to access it usually on my laptop.

Is there any way around it?
(2022-11-03, 04:46)vik09 Wrote: Is there any way around it?
Lets see if there are any interested developers. They may have a solution, or they may reside in the country.
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Yes, will wait and see.

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Tata Play (Tata Sky India) kodi addon request0