UMS bad URL for scraping
I am trying to run the UMS, but it always returns none.

I checked the URL being sent (both in log and via a sniffer): "|accept-language=en-us".

Note the "|". Replaced that with "&", in a web browser, and got the correct search page. Is this new, or has it been fixed? Note that I am running OSMC, on Vero4K. It is the latest version.

Will upload logs asap.


I'm guessing you didn't see the huge thread called "Universal Movie Scraper" in the important threads section of this sub-forum?

Especially this post:

Have a read, it may explain why you are getting some errors perhaps?
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(2022-12-01, 21:55)Dangelus Wrote: I'm guessing you didn't see the huge thread called "Universal Movie Scraper" in the important threads section of this sub-forum?

Especially this post:

Have a read, it may explain why you are getting some errors perhaps?
Yes, I did see the (huge) thread. And spent a lot of time reading through it.

I am just curious about the bad URL the scraper generated: the "|" instead of "&". Using the corrected URL seems to work on IMDB. So maybe that's another problem?
(2022-12-03, 02:13)daytooner Wrote: I am just curious about the bad URL the scraper generated: the "|" instead of "&". Using the corrected URL seems to work on IMDB. So maybe that's another problem?
The developer for UMS has not been around for a few months. We don't know if he will be returning and my messages to him have gone unanswered.
If you have a fix, submit a PR and it will be looked at and merged if appropriate.
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