Passthrough output device will play EITHER atmos music OR dts music but not both!?
Standard "audiotrack (IEC)" output will passthrough .wav DTS music just fine, but will NOT passthrough atmos .m4a; Atmos is received as "Multichannel input" vs. being natively decoded as "Atmos" on Denon receivers. HOWEVER, if I change the output device to "Audiotrack/Android IEC packer", then Atmos .m4a is passed through properly and decoded as native Atmos. BUT dts .wav files won't play at ALL.

So I have to change the passthrough output constantly in settings.

Can I fix this? Can I force .m4a to be passed through properly by the regular "audiotroack (IEC)" output? Can someone fix the standard output to allow .m4a Atmos files to be played by native receivers?


The same for me here under Google TV, connected straight to my Denon receiver.
I am using Kodi 19.3 though. Will try to update dto 19.5 to see if it helps.
For DTS:
Jup - sad story. Google's Device forbids DTS via the Android Packer - cause here they can "understand" that someone is sending DTS. They cannot forbid it for IEC, as here they don't know what is inside the IEC-Frames.

For Atmos:
Kodi's IEC encapsulates the Atmos / DD+ data in 2 channel 192 khz bandwidth IEC Frames, which your soundbar does not accept (most likely the 192 khz is already the issue).
Android's IEC packer does not support DD 7.1, but transmits Atmos / DD+ via just 48 khz link ... so it works with your soundbar.

Nice isn't it - not :-)
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
Many Thanks for the explanation. It makes sense now.

I only got a little bit confused now as I was making some changes and could make DTS and Atmos passthrough work, using the settings below:
  1. Image
  2. Image
With this now, I am pretty happy with the setup and can play pretty much everything (including DVD Audio for example)

Just as a side note: In any case, Lossless Atmos never works (but this happens even outside Kodi as well. I think that Google TV does not support it?!).
I forgot to ask:
  • Do you know why the setup like this, it works?
I cannot see your image, but most likely you enabled AC3 transcoding or something ... good that it works.

PS: a Debug Log tells the whole story without too much writing.
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
I also cannot see your images. Could you please either repost them somewhere that will show up here or just explain what settings you're using? Thanks!
Hi everybody.
Sorry for the image not showing, here they are again:


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Passthrough output device will play EITHER atmos music OR dts music but not both!?0