Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
script.module.kover - Simple proxy for Kodi version unification
What is it?
It's just a simple proxy! Imagine you developing and add-on. Kodi team releasing new version with changes, your add-on may be broke or simple log too much, because many features are deprecated.

How to deal with it?
Install script.module.kover add an import on top of your module:
from kover import autoinstall # noqa: F401
and you are ready to go. No more spam in log file, no more broken add-on, it's just simple Smile

How it's working?
It's trying to keep K19 and K20 api available in the same time. So you don't need to worry about making changes to your add-on because API have changed recently.

Where to report issue or new addition?
The best place for it is Github of course:
WOW. Great script! This is just what I needed! Now the log looks better.

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script.module.kover - Simple proxy for Kodi version unification0