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Solved Fanart VS Landscape on TMDB
Hello, I was uploading some image on TMDB here :

But strangely, from Kodi, these images appear in Landscape, but not in Fanart. Sometimes it's the other way around. Hence my question. What is Kodi based on to classify the images, in Fanart or Landscape, knowing that here, they have no writing. How it works ? Why can't all images be accessed from both sections? And why is there no Landscape section on TMDB? Is there a difference in result between the TMDB Python scraper and classic TMDB?

In short, I would like to understand all this. Thanks.


fanart = 16:9 images with no text
landscape = 16:9 images with text.

The images you uploaded are fanart, but you have classified them as French even though there is no writing. Think about it, how can an image with no text be a language? Would that image be different for Chinese?
You should go back and set those images to No Language at TMDB.

Anything with a language at TMDB is Landscape
Anything with NO language at TMDB is Fanart.

Does that make sense?
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Yes that makes sense, thanks a lot for the info !
You can close the topic if you want.
Thread marked solved.
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Fanart VS Landscape on TMDB0