Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Video-like OSD for audio file
(2023-01-31, 02:56)jjd-uk Wrote: Great that you got it working. While it would have been possible to edit the original Estuary it's tricky to do, and being the default skin if something were to go wrong then more difficult to recover on an Android device. So it's far safer to create your own version in this way. The other reason to do it this way is that it'll survive an upgrade if you decide to install a point release e.g. V20.1. However when it comes to a new major release eg. V21 then you'll have to repeat this process.

So if I keep the file around, then after an upgrade it will be simply a matter of copying it over, as before?
Okay to mark this thread solved.  If that is a user action, please let me know how, and I'll do it.

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Video-like OSD for audio file0