Req Subtitle positioning change suggestion
Player Settings > Subtitles > Vertical Margin
has a maximum value of 50%. Can this please be increased to allow top-aligned subtitles to be repositioned to the bottom of the screen? From my tests 65% seems decent for 'Top of Screen' and prevents subs disappearing off the bottom of the screen.

The reason:

Top aligned subtitles are displayed so the top line of the subtitle is always in a fixed position (Position on screen is 'Top of screen' or 'Top of video')

Single line        Two line subtitle        Three Line Subtitle
                   Second line              Second Line
                                            Third Line

Bottom aligned subtitles are displayed so the bottom line of the subtitle is always in a fixed position (Position on screen is 'Bottom of screen' , 'Bottom of video' or 'Fixed')

                                           Three Line Subtitle
                   Two line subtitle       Second Line
Single line        Second line             Third Line

This change allows top aligned subtitles in the black area below the screen for widescreen movies so that the first subtitle line is always closest to the movie. 
Subtitles are easier to read like this. Try it, you'll like it.
It's a great compliment to 'Vertical Shift' in 'Video Options'

I've changed the maximum setting below on my Windows setup and it works great, however I don't have access to the config on my Nvidia Shield (Android).
A Maximum of 65 prevents the top-most subtitle totally disappearing which should help stop 'missing subtitle' support.


        <setting id="subtitles.marginvertical" type="number" label="39182" help="39183">
            <maximum>65</maximum>  <!-- Changed from 50 -->

Changing settings.xml seems by far the easiest change. Please correct me if there is an easy override solution that I couldn't find.
Others possibilities are:
An an option to advancedsettings.xml to override the maximum value.
Allowing Top Aligned subtitles to be moved using sub up/down (currently they can't be)
Have a toggle to allow subtitles to be display aligned top/bottom.

Many thanks for reading and considering the change.

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