Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Is this stored anywhere in the .nfo file? I can't find a reference to it in the on-line help. I'm asking because I'd hate to export the database, transfer file to a new disk, reload everything and loose the adjustments I've made to audio delay.

On MyVideos116
lets try a translation to see if there's any potential help out there....
Quote:On Kodi 18 I have been setting audio delay specific to different library items and I want to export all that information with my library so I can transfer it to another Kodi installation.
Is this possible? Does it do this by default?
let's see if this brings any answers.
Thanks for trying to help
I asked over on the LibreElec site and I've got an answer - its not stored.
right on
glad you found your answer

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