Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
TV shows work in Videos section but not TV
So, This seems to be the same on my Android TV as well as the Mac Kodi app I've just downloaded today to mess about with.
When I create a source for Films and TV shows, the Films work fine. The TV shows don't.
From the main Kodi menu where you have 'Movies' and 'TV Shows' listed, the Movies work fine. The TV show section shows all the program titles I have, but no programs within. They all show as 0/0.

If I click the 'videos' menu item further down, there is a sub category that contains 'movies' and 'tv shows'. under this section, TV shows shows the programs as 0/0.

There is also a sub category though, 'Media Sources'. If I click TV shows under that, then they all show up and can be played.

I gather this is something to do with the way it scrapes information or something?
As sync the files and folder from my Mac, I want to keep them in sync. It seems the folder setup for Apple TV on a Mac isn't the same as the way Kodi want's it. But as I want to sync them frequently, I don't want to spend hours renaming folders just for Kodi to work.
Is there a way I can tell it to just work with what's there, not have to scrape the program info?

Sorry if my message is confusing.. it's not as confusing as Kodi is though to a new user.

(2023-04-03, 14:11)glynharper Wrote: The TV show section shows all the program titles I have, but no programs within. They all show as 0/0.
Most likely your episode files are not named correctly. Need to be named as The Last of Us S01E01.mkv.
Are your files named using this format? How have you named them?

(2023-04-03, 14:11)glynharper Wrote: There is also a sub category though, 'Media Sources'. If I click TV shows under that, then they all show up and can be played.
That is just a file manager, like File Explorer on Windows. You would expect to be able to see everything.

(2023-04-03, 14:11)glynharper Wrote: Is there a way I can tell it to just work with what's there, not have to scrape the program info?
Nope. Items need to be correctly scanned or scraped into the library.

Some links in my signature below might help.
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Thanks. That would be a tonne of hassle now, as when I first downloaded and imported them into Apple TV they didn't name them like that.
I guess I'll just use the File Manager to watch TV shows. The movies are fine at least.

Funny how Kodi can't recognise them though, when utilities like Subler can.

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TV shows work in Videos section but not TV0