Linux How to fade/blank/turn off screen or run screensaver while playing video?
I want to turn off the screen while playing video. It is pretty useful feature when you want to listen some news or talk show on youtube. So what I've tried:

- bind command ActivateScreensaver on gamepad. it starts just for a moment, so screen became bright again . Yes, i've checked all screensaver settings, tried dim and fade one.

- bind running command "DISPLAY=:0.0 xset dpms force off" . It works only just for a few seconds, then kodi turns screen on again.

Now I'm using a hack to start black xterm overlappin kodi window, and it works because I'm using CRT. But maybe it is a better solution?

If there is no one, here is mine for CRT TV, linux, orangepi:

1) Create a fake screensaver script in for example /home/pi/.kodi/userdata/hacks/screensaver:


found=$(ps aux | grep xterm | wc -l)

if [ $found -gt 1 ]; then
    killall xterm
    DISPLAY=:0.0 xterm -fg black -bg black -geometry 280x90 -e "read -n1" &
2) Make it executable

chmod 755 /home/pi/.kodi/userdata/hacks/screensaver

3) Add its launch to your keymap(I use digit nine), for example to /home/pi/.kodi/userdata/keymaps/keyboard.xml


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How to fade/blank/turn off screen or run screensaver while playing video?0