The latest alpha v21 v 2 doesn't start up on 10.13.6
the minimum version in the info plist is

  "LSMinimumSystemVersion" => "10.14"

I have a mini running 10.13.6, I can update the MimimumSystemVersion to 10.13.6, but 

Is this intentional?
Yes this is intentional as per the Release notes
The minimum OS required for Kodi on macOS is now Mojave (10.14). This was done to allow the project to continue using more modern C++ 17 features. macOS Mojave was released on 24th September 2018 and hardware supported can be seen at
Kodi 22 nightly Windows 10 | 21.2 Xbox One X | 22 nightly Linux Mint Xia XFCE | CoreELEC NO 22 nightly S905X4 aarch64

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The latest alpha v21 v 2 doesn't start up on 10.13.60