When playing video jumps to windows
I am running XBMC Atlantis Beta 1 fullscreen, but whenever I play a video it opens Windows, so I see the title bar (XBMC) of the window and the movie. Really strange, previous XBMC-versions didn't have this bug.

I have tried both "720p 16:9" and "1280x720 fullscreen", my native desktop resolution is 1280x720 too.

Any suggestions? Huh
x5nder Wrote:...it opens Windows...

I mean 'windowed', ofcourse Blush
Hmm. Even with fullscreen enabled in advancedsettings.xml I still get the windows movie. In the log I read this:

15:26:44 T:1668 M:1390239744 NOTICE: fps: 23.976000, pwidth: 640, pheight: 256, dwidth: 640, dheight: 256
15:26:44 T:1668 M:1390231552 DEBUG: CDVDPlayerVideo::OutputPicture - change configuration. 640x256. framerate: 23.98
15:26:44 T:1668 M:1390227456 NOTICE: Display resolution USER : 1280 x 720 (20)
15:26:44 T:1668 M:1390223360 WARNING: Upscale: selected algorithm 1
15:26:44 T:896 M:1390219264 DEBUG: Activating window ID: 12005
15:26:44 T:896 M:1390219264 DEBUG: Checking if window ID 12005 is locked.
15:26:44 T:896 M:1390215168 DEBUG: Constructing surface 1280x720, shared=00000000, fullscreen=0

fullscreen=0Huh Oo
Did you perform a full uninstall (including profile dir)?

I had the same problem and doing a complete uninstall solved this issue.
Try changing resolution from "Auto" to "Full Screen" in Settings > Appearance > Screen.
Hmm. Setting the resolution to PAL 16:9 in the screen settings and then 'Best available' instead of PAL 16:9 in the video player settings (why are there two seperate settings anyway) seem to have fixed this... weird!!!

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When playing video jumps to windows0