Android External Player advice needed
Hi. I want to get Kodi to play add on streams to an external Player as Kodi won't play these streams in 5.1 without little audio drops every few seconds. (Kodi plays 5.1 on local files fine)

I can't find any Android TV based player other than Kodi that will play 5.1 (VLC says it does but it doesn't. MX player won't do it either ,even with the dolby digital custom codec) So, as described in various guides I'm going to make a playercorefactory.xml file. So, the external Player I know works perfectly with 5.1 is the TV's own media player. I know what the filename is , (,
But I'm not sure what to enter in the. Xml file for the 'player name'. Examples of other. Xml files of this type have 'VLCPlayer' or 'MXPlayer' etc. The app itself on my TV is just called 'Media'. So should I enter 'Media', 'MediaPlayer' or something else?. From what I understand the player name isn't as important to get right as the player filename but I want to get it right so that I can rule the 'player name' but if the xml file out when my attempt to do this fails. Thanks very much.

the command needs to be a command that you can start from "adb shell am start", if it does not work in adb then it will not work in playercorefactory
(2023-09-17, 00:25)Gmjh Wrote: The app itself on my TV is just called 'Media'. So should I enter 'Media', 'MediaPlayer' or something else?

the name in <player name="Gallery" is only used by kodi so it can be anything

the important part is the package name not whatever the app's label is, the app being called "Media" on your tv is of no consequence you need the actual "" package name
Ok thanks very much. I think the adb test thing is probably beyond me as it involves a PC and I haven't been near one in about ten years. Thanks for confirming the player name isn't important. I'll try the settings from the link you posted with my players filename in it and see how it goes. If it doesn't work I'll be back here to work out why 😉

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External Player advice needed0