exact python version shipped with kodi?
Hi, I can't find this little, but very important for addons developers, information: what is the exact python version used by kodi, especially on windows?
I've helped with the update of a few addons using python 3.10 syntax, and they work well on Linux and android;
Now a windows user stumbled upon errors related to features introduced in python 3.9.
I don't own windows machines so I can't check which version is shipped, but I think this should be the first piece of info to show in the development guides!
Windows still ships with 3.8.15 as of v20 and upcoming v21
Thank you @Fuzzard for the info!

I'll keep that in mind for future development.
if your code is going to be running at the bleeding edge of python features consider outputting the python version to the debug log so that when a user gives you a debug log you know already

xbmc.log("Python: %s" % sys.version,xbmc.LOGDEBUG)

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exact python version shipped with kodi?0