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Can't manage to get webdav to work on kodi
Hello, I have a webdav server running from nextcloud, but I don't manage to set it up to access via wan on kodi.
I have tested it with some other windows app called cyberduck and it works with no issues at all so it shouldn't be configuration issues, I wonder what else could it be.

This is an example of how I set it up on cyberduck(I won't actually share the server itself for obvious reasons):

This works with no issues.
This is how I try to set it up on kodi:

Exact same settings, but here it just doesn't work(these settings obviously shouldn't work, but valid settings should). Since I know that the webdav server actually works and I can connect to it via another software, what else can I try on kodi to make it work?
If there are any relevant logs to share, let me know and I'll post them.

I managed to get it working by adding verifypeer=false to the URL, but I don't understand why it's needed in the first place, what does that actually do?
SSL is properly configured, I've seen that I should also add the SSL to kodi? What does that mean? I'm using android tv, do I really need to mess with all of that with an android tv?
A debug log would show the exact error (likely a rejected  server certificate).
Don't know what verifypeer does.

For trusted root issues, not sure what the defaults are on Android, they can be overriden with advancedsettings.xml and the <catrustfile> tag to provide a more up to date or customized bundle of root CA certs.

Something like
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Can't manage to get webdav to work on kodi0