video only playing top left of movie

Looking through the threads I can't see that anyone else has come across this error. Basically the top left of the movie is stretched across my whole screen, so I can not see 3/4's of the movie.

I do not seem to be having the funny colour errors like other people.

Any ideas how I can fix this?

I have tried to attach a screenshot below. Basically you should see the words Film Four in the middle of the screen, yet I can only see "Fil". This occurs on both full screen and widow modes of XBMC.


turn of "high quality upscaling" in video settings or try another
graphics driver for your card or set another upscaling method.

btw you cant link images to your local C:\ hardrive, use an imagehosting service for images.
Turned off the upscaling and it now works fine - Cheers!!!

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video only playing top left of movie0