No Season Fanart in Episode List
Hello to the Aeon Nox Team,

I have question about using season fanart for each season of a TV series.
I can set a fanart using the context menu for each season and this will change if I highlight it with the cursor/arrows.
However, once I select the season and view the list of episodes in the next menu, the fanart reverts to the default fanart of that show...

Is there a way to keep my season fanart when viewing episode-list of that season?
(2023-11-09, 19:08)RiggsRx Wrote: However, once I select the season and view the list of episodes in the next menu, the fanart reverts to the default fanart of that show...
Yes, but you might not like the effort to do it. With the target episode in focus, hit the 'I' key for information on your keyboard, when that comes alive you have the option of choosing the art. Pick Fan-art and path to whatever you want to place as the background... viola. Of course you have to do this with every episode. Suggest you take the main title background and incorporate multiple fanart... and the rotation will bring all your art around without a lot of fiddling.


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