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Best way to add two NFS sources (Qnap & Synology)
Up until now I have been using a Qnap nas as my primary media source. I have now purchased a Synology with a much larger capacity. What I would like to do is to have the QNAP primarily as a backup, but there will be some considerable overlap between what is on the Qnap and what is on the new Synology. I don't know what the best way would be to setup the sources so I can know, or can choose, which nas to select to play a media file.
If you have the same media on both devices, there isn't going to be a good way to have two sources, as you'll end up with duplicate entries for everything that's on both devices.  If you have most stuff on the Synology and a completely different, smaller set of stuff on the other one, then you canj just define two sources. Kodi will show all the stuff from every source in one Library view.
Thanks pkscout, I was afraid that would be the situation. At least now I know.

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Best way to add two NFS sources (Qnap & Synology)0